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J\xfcrgen Brendel is a software engineer and consultant, with a history of working for commercial open source projects.
He graduated from the FH Giessen-Friedberg, Germany (engineering university) in 1994 and
also holds a Masters of Computer Engineering from Santa Clara University, California.
He has worked in Canada, the US, Ireland and currently lives in New Zealand
from where he uses the Internet to commute to work every day.
He can be contacted here: juergen_foss at brendel dot com.

FOSS home   >   The Django Registration App

The Django Registration Application

This is a complete user registration package for Django. It takes care of all the mondane stuff you need to do before you can start your nice new e-commerce or social networking web-site: Secure user registration.


More information

The download package contains a detailed INSTALL.txt, which you should really, really read. Also, the README.txt is very important. Don't skip it! Overall, the installation is very easy, but you do want to know what you are doing.

License: AGPL and BSD

The software is dual-licensed under the AGPL and the BSD licenses.

Download and install

SourceForge and freshmeat

Older versions of the package are also present on SourceForge and freshmeat at the following URLs: Please use the tar ball for the latest version.
(c) 2008 by Jürgen Brendel ( juergen_foss at brendel dot com )